Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to the course

    2. Hurdles and misconceptions when networking

    3. Three pillars for successful networking

    1. Where to stand and whom to talk with on the networking floor

    2. Small talk

    3. Conversations with strangers

    1. The elevator pitch

    2. Talking to people who can introduce you further

    1. Exchanging business cards

    2. Ending conversations politely

    3. Avoid common pitfalls

    1. Working the room

    2. Social leadership

    3. Talking with the right people

    4. The right behaviour on the networking floor

    5. How to remember names

    6. Talking with Influential People

    1. A turning point in this course

    2. Create Passive Positive Potential

    3. Following up professionally

About this course

  • $47.00
  • 30 lessons
  • 3 hours of video content

Get more out of networking, start today

Learn how to network for business and personal success. This course will pay itself back in your life in so many ways.